Sunday, March 11, 2012

Personal Addition

Not having to do with English class, but, I adopted a puppy on Monday night! We've only had him for less than a week, but it seems like months. They wear you out! And he has a strict 10pm to 6am sleeping schedule, which I do not like or want to get used to. He will go up stairs but not down, and he loves to get those fry-pan paws muddy and leave pawprints on the floor, but I love him. :)


  1. Too cute Beth! What type of dog he? You start your post by commenting that it doesn't have anything to do with CW class, but then again, you never know where you will find inspiration!

    1. He is a husky akita collie mix! :) And that's true, I wrote my "moment" about his adoption!

  2. Great! A potential personal addition could be "Five Things I Learned About Life From My New Puppy"

  3. what a cute puppy. Have you ever had another dog? I have cats but I would love to have a puppy to play with.

    1. No, he is my first dog, and I took on the stage of life that is the biggest challenge! It is hard work. I have a cat as well :) Definitely look into adopting a dog, they are so lovable.
