Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Dog (Personal Addition)

How can I get frustrated at that face! (easily)
Five Things I've Learned From Having A Puppy
prompt taken from Ms McLauchlan

1. Patience is a virtue.
2. Never tolerate behaviour you deem unacceptable.
3. There's more to a day than scrolling up and down Facebook and Pinterest.
4. Instant graification is not always possible.
5. The world actually does exist at 5:45 in the morning.


  1. He is adorable Beth! I just showed my parents this image and they said he is very cute. Eli reminds them of Sasha as a puppy. Our dogs do need to meet!

    1. Hey Breanne! He looks very different now, that photo is almost three weeks old! He resembles a little wolf, with husky fur and German Shepherd ears. Quite the mix! Yes, Sasha and Eli need to get together! Maybe we could meet in the park when the weather perks up. I hope he is as big as her when he is fully grown :)
