Thursday, March 1, 2012

6-Word Memoir #2 - Always Fearing, Yet Always Facing Change.

As my mom always says, I'm a malcontent. I want things to change, and I am looking forward to being an independent adult, but I fear it just as much as I crave it. It's desirable, but I don't want it. I chose this photo because, primarily, I love bokeh! I can also make up a deeper description. The light is a bright future, but I'm choosing to put it out of focus, and stay on the sidelines, leaving it just out of reach. But no matter how much I push it away, I'll have to face it sooner or later. I am already moving forward, I am graduating high school, I have applied for college, and I am adopting a dog (a dream of mine since ever!)! That is enough for me at the moment. Sometimes I feel like change happens without me noticing, or without any warning. Sigh, all part of growing up!

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