Monday, May 14, 2012

Writing Reflection #9

Signing up for Twitter was not one of the items on my Thing To Do Before I Die list. I just don't want to get sucked into it! If you already have Facebook, why should you get Twitter. Just another password to remember. Oh well, I'll use it while I have it, and delete it in June ;)

The day we set up our Twitter accounts, my computer would not let me onto the site, a problem that only I seemed to be having. So I think I am a little behind on the tweets right now, I only have two Buried Life tweets posted. I'll catch up eventually! One thing that surprised me when I got on Twitter is some of the people on the site! It was suggested to me that I follow Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell? What does he have to say, he doesn't do much now :P

I love making bucket lists! I usually have tons of things on mine, but this time around, I think I was having a bit of writer's block. There are only about ten things on my list. I am trying to keep them realistic, and very possible to achieve. Sure, I'd like to go to the moon, but come on, like that would ever happen. Maybe if you had a few million dollars burning a hole in your pocket. My goal is definitely to add more to my list, it is seriously lacking!

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